Manifest it!

In my kitchen, we have this huge dry erase calendar board. And every month it’s filled with nightly dinner ides so that everyone gets to feast on their favorites. With these picky-eating kids, its usually a “big deal” to fill out the board the minute I come SLAVING in from the grocery store. But for the last few weeks of August, I purposely left our menu board empty because I meant what I manifested ... that our new house will be finished by the end of the month!

See, people think just because they say, I’m going to manifest it, that they’re going to wake up and what was prayed for will magically appear. True manifestation requires constant work. Your walk, your talk, your thoughts; all of that needs to change. It is honestly a blind walk of faith if you REALLY talking about manifesting. I explained to the kids that in a few weeks we will have a new board, in a new house, no questions asked. And every day following that, I had to consciously believe that it was going to happen when I expected.

Now I must add, our construction was supposed to start in March. Then of course, COVID-19 happened and everything was being put on hold. Everything and everyone was on hold, except me. I continued to pack up everything in the house, with not a closing date in sight. I started buying tons and tons of furniture and storing it in my garage and storage unit. I didn’t have a doubt, I didn’t have time to doubt, it was manifested and I meant it. What’s that saying, “walk it like you talk it?” Yeah, I even had the kids walking that walk with me!

Listen when I tell you; if you want it, you better go get it. Speak it into existence! I walk like I got it, because I know it’s coming. Manifest it. Doors are opening; the wait was not punishment, it was preparation. Manifest it! When God says it's "show time" there's not a single person who can say cut. Manifest it and mean it!

Tawana Horne