Tik Tok...it's time to vote!

Today’s post is different. I mean usually my blogs are written and edited over a period of a few weeks. But this morning, August 1, I just wanted to sit down and WRITE.

Today I learned that TikTok was going to be banned. Although it’s something that I don’t spend much time playing with, my kids love it. I mean LOVE it! I’m talking about millions of people actually love this app. And in the midst of all this craziness, we need the damn laugh.

In our house, we talk about everything. My kids can tell you how much money I make and where that money goes every month. What for? Because I want them to truly understanding the reason behind my “NO”, when they ask for something they don’t need. When we decided to build our house, my kids sat down and reviewed every floor plan and gave their opinion. So when we finally found “the one”, we all walked away happy. What for? Because I want them to feel that excitement and want to feel it again for themselves in a few years.

But in all that transparency, we don’t talk very much about politics. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, my daughter came to me in distress about this app getting shut down in the US. And it may seem minor, especially if you are my age. Hell, if you’re my age, you can run down a laundry list of bullshit that our so-called "President” has put us through. So this here, for us older folk, is nothing!

But THIS generation, this young-innovate-technology-driven group of bad-ass young people; they’re going to feel a gut punch. And I pray that THIS is what will push those young people to get out and vote! Cause if this man has allowed THIS much madness in the course of 4 years, WE will not exist if we allow another 4 more.

Tawana Horne