Ready to start that business?

So you’re ready to get that business started? Well right now, small black businesses are booming and this is your opportunity to really make it happen. If you’re still in that “dreaming” stage, that’s perfectly ok. Use this planning time to pitch your ideas to some trustworthy (and honest) friends and family members. Is this something they would buy? Who’s your market? What’s the feedback? How can you make this idea skyrocket?

From here, it is imperative that you handle the “business” side of things. That means, you’ll need to register your business. Get an EIN number, obtain a sales and tax permit, create a website. You will be surprised at how many SBO’s skip these very steps. Another big miss is failing to open a business bank account. Your personal bank and business banking should NEVER mix. Start a Quickbooks account and become familiar with what profit and loss looks like.

Ok, now it’s time to spend some more money. You need to buy your products or supplies. What starts off as a few hundred dollars, turns into a few thousand. You’re creating logos and trademarks, purchasing packaging and business cards; it begins to add up quick. And the moment you start looking at those bank withdrawals, is usually the point where the doubt begins. Your dream almost hits a brick wall. You start to second guess yourself because now you’re trying to figure out if you can really do “this”.

Listen, this is where you should have your foot on the gas! I’ve met some of the most focused and eager business women and men that got all the way here and gave up; because of fear. But I swear, this is the point where you CAN’T give up.

At any moment God can shift you from waiting on it, to walking into it. Get ready! This journey is just that, a journey. But if you decide to quit, you’ll never see how far you can go. See, to trust God in the light is nothing. But to trust Him in the dark…now that’s faith!

If this is your true passion; the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep at night, don’t you dare give up. Do you realize Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles their first year in business!? So I need you to hear me and hear me good, THIS is the point where you CAN’T give up!

Tawana Horne