Ready or I come...

You know this all began as a joke. A fun way for my daughter, Jordan and I to connect as she began growing into her teenage years. To show her that beauty comes in all shapes, ages and shades. That I too, am beauty in my own unique way. With just the clothes from my closet, an iPhone 5, and some random locations traveled; we were tapping into “something” with these random pictures and posts. Several months to follow, it became evident that this was more than just a hobby. We were getting feedback, gaining followers and our little Instagram page was slowly turning into a real job.

Although the shift happened quickly, it wasn’t overnight success. It took a great deal of work and pure passion to develop a brand and a voice for young girls and women that appreciated a real body without editing, photo shops, make-up artist or hair stylist. My goal was to stay current and connect, not only with my photos, but with a sincere message. A motivational and spiritual yet realistic look at my life, in real time.

This summer, June 2019, you will bear witness to an amazing, upscale, online boutique catered to my everyday girl and working woman. My “Cupcakes” represent that fun and flirty young lady. With the creative direction of an overzealous 13 year old, this line screams, innocence and comfort with a millennial mix. Jordan’s keen eye for fashion and unmeasured expertise of trend and style, is sure to surprise the biggest critic. My “Caviars” hold down the working world. She goes from “Boardroom ready” to “Gala gorgeous” with ease. These women are smart, sexy and business savvy while using our fashions as a silent introduction. When I tell you, this is going to be BIG....ladies, this is GOING TO BE BIG!

I urge you to turn on post notifications, mark your calendars, set a reminder, tell a friend to tell a friend....Summer 2019 is mine. Thank you for your support throughout the process. Thank you for following me through my journey. Thank you for the love and positive vibes. There would be no “me” without you! The next level of the fashion industry has my name written all over it!

Tawana Horne