Are We Talking About Football or Fashion?

My dad loves football, therefore I've grown to be a true lover of the game myself. Although I've never sported the oversized jersey of my favorite player on Sunday afternoon with a wing in one hand and beer in another, I been known to place a bet or two for the sheer fun of it all.

This past NFL draft was my first and surely won't be my last since it's just as much a "big deal" as the Super Bowl. As I expected, these college athletes eagerly awaited the moment that they'd worked so hard for all their lives. This very moment was what the hurt and the drive of every game and every stat built up to. The moment that would make their lives feel like one out of every young mans dreams. And to my surprise, I couldn't imagine why the majority of the recaps circled more around "what he wore...." instead of yards per pass or "explosive" plays in their college career.

Who would've thought the world of athletics would become so fashion conscience. I grew up watching Michael Jordan enter the building in a well tailored suit with the announcer rambling out stats from his last game and the expectations of the one to come. Back then, we knew nothing of the brand or the designer, we wanted the win! Today, there's players like Cam Newton who was the first overall draft pick in 2011. But when "googled", you have to scroll past all the "Cam Newtons romper trend" to get to his impressive highlights as a quarterback with the Panthers.

Look at how we evolved from believing that the only "fashion forward" males reside on the runway or some eclectic city street where European trends take precedence over the basic denim and white tee. These guys are "hip" now. These guys are risk-takers, head turners and hell raisers. And as times change and the industry continues to broaden, we are entering a world far beyond the cut and dry. Today, we're not complacent with fitting in....its all about who's standing out

Tawana Horne